Mai Kai and Tropic Magazine presents Happy Hour and an illustrated talk about a new book by nightlife historian Peter Manuzzi! See details in flyer above.
Wow, gathered this together quickly to get this out before it’s all over! So much to see, do, eat, ENJOY!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. pre-party with DJ Kumi 7:00 p.m until… music by Plan Beats and Meet + Greet Universal Aloha Wall by Artist – Estria, Prime + Trek 6 313 NW 25 Street Music by DJ Kumi and Plan Beats A Pop Up Piano Location Details here and here.
Miami Modern Luxury magazine’s list here.
Miami Herald is doing a great job covering Art Basel here.
Herald’s sister site also has a great list here, including Beatles and Rolling Stones’ Lost photos at Betsy Hotel.
New Times Art Miami and Context: The most intriguing food art we’ve seen article.
See what caught my eye at Art Basel Vernissage and Art Asia/Overture at Scope on Instagram. Hey, click on LIKE and/or leave a comment on my photo here.
Another good list of pop-ups, food trucks, guides, list of Eats near galleries, basically everything you need to know, here.
List of Art Fairs from Cultist, here.
Satellite Art Guide, here.
How about some films, here? We went to Borscht Film Festival last year because a friend was art director for one of the films, so much fun! Long lines to get tix but for some reason a couple picked me to give their tix and we skipped to the front! Yay is life.
Music events during Basel, here and here.
Onto Holiday stuff...
Holiday Foodie Gift Guide from my foodie friends at Hungry Goddess, here.