Wok Stars constantly ask how I make omelet in my cast iron wok. It is the ideal pan for doing this!
Start by arranging plate with a small garden salad, give it texture with slithers of snow peas, walnuts or whatever nuts you like! There are no rules. Now, add some color like grape tomatoes, red onion. Today, I used fruit: strawberries and red papaya. Completed my plate with ready grilled reheated duck sausage. Feel free to add leftover meats. Presentation is important, keep it tidy!
So here’s the 101:
1) chop some strong cheese like Parmesan or Brie my two favs
2) chop aromatics like scallion, onion, herbs, leave all on cutting board
3) beat 2-3 eggs lightly in bowl, no need for salt cause cheese is salty enough! (1 egg per person, if 4, make in 2 batches)
4) heat cast iron wok or skillet (do NOT use non-stick for many reasons) on media high
5) add 3 swirls of oil that can withstand high heat, so plse NO olive oil! Today, I used my friend, Shelley-Belley Underground’s duck fat she gave me, umm
6) add in eggs, rock your wok using your wok mitts to swirl out your eggs
7) lower heat, as soon as eggs ‘set’
8) sprinkle scallions and cheese
9) as soon as cheese starts melting, flip over and you’re done
10) beauty of this spatula is you can use it to ‘cut’ omelet in half
Enjoy! Want more egg dishes cooked in a wok? Wok Your Eggs, Wok Tortilla Baked in Wok and Stir Fried Rice!
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How do you sign-up for a Wok cooking class?